The #1 Premarital and
Marriage Assessment Program

Couples choose
faith based or non-denominational


We are a specialty practice of marriage and family therapy clinicians with a desire to help you create the marriage you have been dreaming about. We use the Prepare/ Enrich marriage assessment tool and couples handbook as the foundation for our premarital counseling program.  Additionally, we use our combined years of expertise with couples to round out a marriage preparation program, helping you create a thoughtful vision of the life you both want to live together.

Sometimes, premarital counseling highlights changes couples need to make to achieve that vision. This could include communication and relationship skills, emotional regulation and growth, and an awareness of a partnership mindset where emotional connection and intimacy is at the core. If you find yourselves needing this extra work, we got you.

prepare for marriage

A Game Changer for Couples

Built on 40+ years of ground-breaking relationship research, Prepare/Enrich lowers couples’ risk of divorce by 31%.

Thoughtfully Prepare for Marriage

The Prepare/ Enrich assessment scores couples in categories of strength and needed growth, and provides a clear picture of areas that need discussion and tending to.

Regardless of the life stage of a relationship, the questions meet you where you are.

  • Dating Couples

  • Engaged Couples

  • Newlywed Couples

  • Married Couples

  • Remarried Couples

  • Retired Couples

Exercises and Discussion on Every Topic and Trait

Prepare/Enrich includes both standard and custom-selected questions based on your couple’s unique background and relationship.

Core Relationship

Building blocks that lay the groundwork for every relationship include:

  • Communication
  • Conflict
  • Finances
  • Intimacy
  • Spiritual Beliefs


Faith helps guide our beliefs and values. Specific customizations include:

  • Catholic
  • Protestant
  • Jewish
  • Orthodox Christian
  • Interfaith

Life and Career

Personal life choices add complexity for couples. Aspects include:

  • Health
  • Leisure Time
  • Stress (wedding, military, general)
  • Full time Career
  • Life transitions

Personal Factors

Individuality and preferences influence the relationship. Gain insight into:

  • Personality Characteristics
  • Personal Habits
  • Assertiveness & Self-confidence
  • Avoidance & Partner Dominance
  • Roles & Responsibility

Children and Parenting

Parenting has a major impact on a couple’s relationship. Topics include:

  • Planning for a family
  • Parenting
  • Step-parenting
  • Intergenerational issues
  • Adoption/Foster Care

Culture and Family

Culture and family add nuance to the relationship. Questions explore:

  • Ethnic/Cultural differences
  • Family & Friends
  • Family Closeness & Flexibility
  • Couple Closeness & Flexibility
  • Value/Belief system differences

We are relationship experts …

Our Facilitators are Marriage and Family Therapists

We bring an extensive amount of experience in relationships and marriage. Our therapists use the Prepare/ Enrich tool along with their expertise as couples therapists to provide our couples with everything they need to prepare for marriage.

So let’s get started! Reach out to us. We will schedule a brief consultation call to see if we are a good fit. You both take the assessment. Then we spend an average of 6-8 sessions discussing and processing all the sections and categories that need tending to.

marriage preparation assessment tool, precaina, interfaith premarital counseling